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    Todays Invoice Date:

    Contract Ref No. (this will be on your booking confirmation and starts with a letter 'C')

    Your Name:

    Your Email Address:

    Event Location - Where did you work?:

    Event Date/Dates:

    Payment Workings - If you worked multiple dates please provide a breakdown of the pay for each date, if you require a 'Faster Payment' also note this less the £5 admin fee and a total amount being claimed” :

    Final Total (this is the final total you will be paid):

    Name of your Bank

    Bank Account Name - This is the name on your bank account and must match exactly or your bank may reject it

    Bank Account Number (Eight Digit Number):

    Sort Code (Six Digit Number please only insert numbers):

    Your Address:

    Please accept my invoice as full and final payment of the above event. I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own tax and national insurance.

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