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Professional Santa’s for Churnet Valley Railway

PROFESSIONAL FATHER CHRISTMAS PERFORMERSSmoke belching from its chimney, the great steam train drew into the station at Froghall Station, Staffordshire ready to take yet more excited children on a magical POLAR EXPRESS™ journey to the North Pole. Many children were already wearing their pyjamas.

The sense of anticipation and fun was all too obvious. Everyone wanted to enjoy one of the most magical and evocative Santa train journeys. As the train slowly gathered speed passing out of the station and into the darkness, the carriages were a blaze of light and colour. Hot chocolate and cookies were being served the singing Chefs of the Churnet Valley Railway. Even the Conductor was showing off dance moves after punching tickets and a strange Hobo was attracting attention. Brilliantly coloured dancing Northern lights could be glimpsed through the windows as the train passed through the pretty countryside. Before long, Santa appeared to give every child a special silver bell from his sleigh.

For our group of Santa’s, this was also the experience of a lifetime. We had been asked by he Churnet Railway to supply seven Santa’s every day throughout the Christmas period so as to make sure that every train had its own Santa. It was really important that the Santa’s were experienced and able to bring alive the magic of the Christmas Polar Express. After all, they had to be able to cope with the swaying of the train as it pounded along the tracks, talk to excited children and hand out the magical bells from their heavy sacks.

Keeping to the timetable was essential. No matter how much a child wanted to talk to Santa, every encounter had to be kept to a strict time limit. Train timetables cannot be held up and Santa had to make sure that every child received their bell on time, before Santa could quietly disappear and prepare for the next journey.

We only use local Santa’s!

All our Santa’s were local people who knew the area and the railway well. They were all highly experienced, and had taken the role of Santa on many occasions in the past. Each one wore the full Santa costume and performed brilliantly. Not a single child went away with any regrets. For them, the journey truly became THE POLAR EXPRESS™ in every way.

In total, we covered 140 shifts throughout December and experienced glowing customer reviews on the Churnet Valley Railway Trustpilot. It was, quite simply, pure magic!

Need to hire a professional Father Christmas performer?

Envisage Hire a Santa Agency has been providing professional experienced DBS checked Santa’s since 2010. To find out more or simply get a quote, click here to get in touch!

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