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Setting New Years Resolutions

tips on setting new years resolutionsFireworks flare, bells ring out – a New Year has dawned, and across the world people are making New Year Resolutions, promising to make changes to their lives.

The New Year is the perfect time for a new start – which is why so many of us make New Year Resolutions. It is a habit that dates back centuries. As long ago as the Bronze Age, ancient Babylonians were making promises to their goals at the start of each year.

While no one knows what people promised in years gone by, typical resolutions today would probably have been familiar to people throughout history. Weight, time, exercise and jobs are perennial concerns, affecting everyone so it is no surprise to find that these invariably dominate the lists of popular New Year Resolutions.

So what are the most common New Year Resolutions? These hardly change from year to year:

  • Stop smoking or vaping
  • Exercise more
  • Lose weight
  • Eat more healthily
  • Save money
  • Take up a new hobby or learn a new skill
  • Find a new job
  • Spend more time with friends and family

Keeping those promises has always been another matter! All too frequently New Year Resolutions quickly become forgotten or dropped, as the pressures of daily life recommence after the festive period. It is very hard to stay motivated week in, week out.

Such failure is a shame, because New Years resolutions do offer potential to make useful change within your own lives. The secret is making the right resolutions. We’ve drawn up a few tips that could make a difference, and ensure that a New Years Resolution has a long term impact.

Top Tips for New Year Success

Don’t make too many resolutions. Just one or two, which are really important to you.

Choose your resolution wisely. Make it achievable. Don’t opt for resolutions that are too generalised, be specific.

Create a plan. Have a clear indication as to what you need to do to achieve a goal. For example, if you are planning to stop smoking, have any aids that you need at hand ready to help.

Create manageable goals. These have to be practical, and achievable.

Don’t try to achieve too much too quickly. Have a very clear aim for example to go for a walk each day. Start with small steps which can be steadily increased as the days pass and you become more confident.

Small successes show that a New Year Resolution can be achieved, and provides the motivation to continue.

Make your resolution into a habit, something that has to be done each day. It might be that short walk, eating fruit every day, or writing ten minutes daily on that long planned book you have been talking about.

Make a note of your progress each day. Check you have done what you promised – spent those few extra minutes with the kids, had some exercise, eaten a set number of greens in your diet. Seeing the ticks mount up gives you confidence

If saving money is your aim, then arrange with your bank to put some money aside every month in a different account.

Make arrangements quickly if you are planning to take up a new hobby, skill or class. Book your class and then you have no excuse but to give it a try!

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