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Sustainability is becoming ever more important within the events industry

especially given the impact of climate change. Events inevitably attract large numbers of people resulting in transport and hospitality considerations that can have a negative effect on a location. It is important for event organisers to plan and execute events that can conserve resources, reduce waste and keeps carbon emissions to a minimum.

Whatever the event, more and more attendees are likely to be environmentally aware. As a result, they often take sustainability issues into account when choosing which events or festivals to attend. Stressing the sustainability of your event will make it more likely to attract those people – but make sure that your claims stand up!

Creating a sustainable event

Conserve resources

If possible, use venues that are accessible by public transport. Always use energy efficient lighting and equipment. Take Luminate, for example, which creates extensive illuminated garden displays every November. In order to provide power for its Sandringham display, it set up a tower of solar panels.

Minimise waste

Avoid using disposable or single use items. Use only reusable or compostable cups and cutlery. Encourage people to bring their own water bottles and reuse them throughout the event.

Reduce carbon emissions

Every event, especially large ones, are going to create carbon emissions. Offset these emissions by purchasing carbon credits or supporting renewable energy projects. This will reduce the overall environmental impact and provide valuable funds for renewable projects.

Choose environmentally conscious sponsors

Seek out sponsors who share your sustainability aims, and are keen to support eco-friendly initiatives.

During the event

Make sure there are lots of recycling stations available, clearly indicating what can be placed within them.

Use biodegradable or compostable materials

Need to hire staff? Use as many local staff as possible

This will reduce travel and energy considerations, and provide work for local people. Envisage has a massive database containing details of people throughout the UK who can work locally on any aspect of events, such as promotional staff, hospitality, meeting & greeting, sampling, car park marshals, stewards, character mascots, even take on the role of Father Christmas!

Why not talk to Envisage about your next event and see just how we can help you?

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