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Top Tips to Stay Connected Whilst Social Distancing

Until March 2020 no one had heard of the term ‘social distancing’. However, today it’s something we are all talking about and hopefully practising.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic health experts and the government have asked us to help slow down and fight the virus by keeping two metres from each other (outside of the same household).

Other advice is handwashing, stay at home and keep the NHS protected.

For a lot of people, keeping a distance is very hard to do, especially those who like to see friends and family. And let’s not forget the elderly who have to stay at home.

So, at this unpredictable time how can we stay connected with friends and family while following advice and practicing social distancing?

Here are some social distancing tips!

Apps to Help Us Stay Connected – Connect digitally

House Party – A free app that allows up to 8 people to connect in the virtual party where you can chat and play games.

Netflix Party – You can watch shows with your friends online.

Skype – has been around for years and lets you stay in touch with friends and family for free.

Tik Tok – this has taken over all other video apps and is for all ages You can show off dance moves, it has life hacks, fails and lots of funny videos.

Facetime, Facebook, Messenger the ways to chat and video with friends and loved ones are endless.

Attend a virtual class or event

Businesses are getting creative and making ‘virtual events’ for free. Gyms, schools, zoos and even museums are getting involved. Some examples are

Philadelphia out Zoo are doing a daily visit
Museums are offering virtual tours
Joe Wicks is doing daily exercise classes

Enjoy spending time with your family

People in the same households are all going to be together with time on your hands. Why not put together a family ‘to do list’? Some ideas are: –

• Take turns making dinner for each other. Could even do a ‘come dine with me’
• Get out those games and puzzles you bought years ago but have never used
• Jigsaws
• Get out the Wii
• Learn new life skills like cooking, cleaning, DIY
• Do the garden or those DIY jobs you never get around too. Getting everyone involved will give everyone a sense of achievement.

Pick up the phone

Keep in touch, especially with those on their own. It is a good time to catch up with old friends or family you haven’t spoken to in a long time.

Send a handwritten letter

When was the last time you received something in the post that wasn’t a bill and unexpected? Sending a handwritten card or letter could really brighten someone’s day

If you have young children ask a family member to read your child a bedtime book

There are so many apps such as Facetime, Video Messenger, Skype, etc so think about having one of their grandparents, aunts or uncles read them a bedtime book.

Chat to your neighbours

Have a neighbourhood hangouts Social distancing doesn’t mean total isolation. You can still chat on the driveway or over the fence whilst maintaining a safe distance. Driveways, yards and sidewalks make it easier to set boundaries while allowing neighbours to get outside and connect.

Just talking to someone can help lift both your spirits. Simply asking someone how they’re doing can make all the difference.

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