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Learn 9 of the Best Social Media Tips 

9 of the Best Social Media TipsSocial media doesn’t need to be complicated but ‘getting it right’ can feel like a minefield. Where do you start!?

We’ve scoured the internet and shared some of the lessons we have learned over the years and come up with the very latest tips for making social media a success for your brand…

  1. It needs to be planned

It’s simple, no matter which ‘Guide to Social Media’ you look at, they will all say one thing: no matter what platform you use, you need to have a plan of what you are going to post and share, when and why. As someone very cleaver once said…’By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.’

  1. EVERY platform is different

LinkedIn is considered the social media platform for the professional whilst Instagram is a photo-rich platform with an entirely different aim, so why would you post the same thing to both platforms? Think about where and how you want to be seen.

  1. Be consistent

Consistent posting (and sharing stuff your followers want to see) is key to building your social media presence (just another reason why you need a strategy!).

  1. Be picky

Be picky about what you post and share. Relevant, helpful and entertaining are three measuring sticks that are helpful in deciding whether to share a piece of content (or not).

  1. Use a social media management scheduling tool

There are loads of tools to help you build, manage and share content on whichever social media platforms you use for your business. Not only does a scheduling tool help you meet your strategic objectives, it also makes sure posting is consistent.

  1. Images are winners!

Words are great but when you have an image or graphic to strengthen your post or caption, more’s the better. Just make sure you are on the right side of copyright (that is, a royalty-free photo, one of your own or you acknowledge the photo isn’t yours and is being used with permission). Make a commitment to taking some of your own great pictures that you can use (avoid selfie type images) 

  1. Measure and analyse

If you have a social media strategy, you’ll have social media goals and objectives and that means you’ll have benchmarks against which you can measure the success of what you post and when.

  1. Consider ads too

Organic growth is describes growing your presence on social media over time. There’s nothing wrong about organic growth – you’re playing the long game – and so to give your social media accounts a boost, you could advertise on the platform. For a mere few pence, you can create a great advert and target it at the people who you want to see it.

  1. Emphasise the ‘social’

The clues in the name – social media – and that means ditching the ‘sell, sell, sell’ and opt for the social side of being on the platform instead.

You’ll find fantastic stuff on your social media accounts – follow us on Instagram and Twitter! – and there will be more hints and tips on social media next month too.


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