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5 Top Tips for Keeping Your Promo Staff Cool this Summer

Our staff are accustomed to working both indoors and outdoors, come rain or shine but like all outdoor workers, having the basics at hand makes their working day much more pleasant and healthy. If you are hiring promotional staff for outdoor work this summer, what do you need to provide?

There is no UK Government law on when it is too hot (or too cold) to work. Temperatures above 30° in the UK are rare but in the last few years, we have started to see more hot summer days. Great when you are on holiday on relaxing, high temperatures when you are working outdoors is not great. Heat exhaustion can quickly set in and for some people, it is not uncommon to be taken ill in the heat either.

But helping your promotional staff to stay energised and effective when the thermometer mercury is creeping up and up means you get great service and brilliant results.

#1 Help them stay hydrated

Staying hydrated in hot weather is essential. Our staff will carry some water with them but clearly making sure they have access to drinking water is an important part of welcoming them to your team.

A water cooler is a great investment and is ideal for staff to help themselves throughout the hot day. If possible, avoid too much tea and coffee or anything with caffeine as this is a diuretic (so it’ll just make your team more thirsty!). Ice-cold drinks are a great idea in moderation as too stop being refreshing. Cool water is best and its best sipped throughout the day rather than drunk quickly and from a pint glass!

#2 Shady areas

We know you want your promotional team to deliver – and they will – but working in the hot sun is energy-zapping, even for our trained professionals. Providing them with a sheltered, shady spot means they can recharge their batteries!

#3 Break times

And talking of rest, our promotional staff are entitled to breaks including lunch. If you hire a team, they will work out between themselves who will go for lunch and when. The same is true for their morning and afternoon break. They’ll always make sure that there are staffing on your stand or circulating with attendees so your brand doesn’t miss a single opportunity to connect with your customers.

We don’t always feel like eating when it’s hot but our teams understand that eating is also a way of replacing lost fluids.

#4 Consider changing your plans

We’re not used to hot summers in the UK but with climate change, we are being told to expect more heatwaves. And that means we’ll have to get used to them and adapt how we work in hot weather.

If the temperature is high, you’ll need to be fluid in your approach for the day. Hiring performers to wear heavy costumes isn’t a no-no but the length of time they’ll be able to wear them will be limited, for obvious reasons.

Consider the uniform your hire promo staff are being asked to wear too. Is there a lighter version or can you also supply hats, for example, to help keep your staff team cool?

#5 Happy staff means better results!

Looking after your hire promotional staff means you get more. As brilliant as they are, if our staff are too hot and dehydrated, you won’t get the best from them. The reason why you hired them is to get results so help them deliver for your brand.

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