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Social Media Tips for Small BusinessSocial Media Tips for Small Business

Social media can be a rich place for a small business. You just need to know how to squeeze out all its potential…
  1. Have a plan – no plan means random, inconsistent posting of content that will not get attention (not for the right reasons anyway).
  2. Decide on the right social media platforms – Instagram is growing but Facebook is having a popularity wobble, neither of which affects your choice of social media platform because you need to be on the social media platforms where your customers are. Research user demographics of each platform (and take a look at what your competitors are doing too!).
  3. Follow the 80/20 rule – the clue is in the name – social media – and so content should be about building relationships between consumer and brand. The 80/20 rule means the majority of posts (80%) should be content related to your brand or industry etc. and the minority (20%) ‘selling’ content, like offers or deals.
  4. Reach out to a new audience – with a plan and great content, you’ll meet your current customer base. Why not expand your reach and push beyond this boundary by linking with related material and businesses online?
  5. Think visual for every platform – yup, Instagram and Pinterest are the visually-rich platforms but that doesn’t mean that Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and all the other shouldn’t be. Great visuals are essential. Fact.
  6. Quality over quantity – there are suggestions as to how frequently you should post but if you’re batting out 10 tweets a day and getting nowhere, something is wrong. Maybe it is the quality of what you are posting that’s the issue…?
  7. Respond and engage – don’t leave your followers and customers hanging. If someone comments, respond. If someone asks a question, engage. You wouldn’t ignore someone in real life so don’t do it online!
  8. Refine what you’re doing – it’s a fast-paced digital world out there so the tweets that were winning likes and shares last year won’t be cutting the mustard this year. It’s called ‘moving on’. Review and refine what you are posting online, along with the ‘how, when and the why’ to maintain attention and growth.

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Social Media – Problems and Solutions

The problem…


The solution…


Random posting with splurges of posts, captions and tweets. And then nothing. For ages. Symptomatic of not having a social media plan, the only way to post good stuff consistently is to have a strategy. Acting as a map, it is a plan of what you are posting and when (and why).


No reaching customers or growing on social media Your not on the ‘right’ social media platforms. Research each platform thoroughly, taking not of user demographic (gender, age and so on) and whether than matches your customer demographic.


Boring content that just sells An easy trap to fall into. Follow the 8-0/20 rule where the majority of your content is related to you brand/products/industry with only a small fraction of ‘selling’ content and posts, like discounts and offers.


Not growing on social media Social media for small business is great for branching out and reaching new customers. Push past your boundaries to collaborate with other businesses and groups, bringing your products to a whole new audience.


Boring content that does nothing ALL social media platforms are visual to make sure you have a graphic alongside every tweet, post or update. And make them good ones!


Rubbish content that clogs people’s timeline Quality over quantity. Every. Single. Time. Too much posting and updates is just noise and doesn’t achieve anything.


Not listening and not responding This is big turn off for customers. They expect a brand to respond whether it’s a global enterprise or the florist on the corner. If people comment, respond. If people ask questions, answer them.

And don’t forget to listen too.


Doing the same stuff you were doing last *week/month/year (*delete as appropriate) Social media is constantly evolving. What was great last year won’t be cutting it this year. And this is why reviewing and refining what you are doing on social media is an important part of the process.




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